Today, for anything and everything we talk about etiquette; be it an educational institution, workplace or parties, sometimes even at home. There are some basic guidelines or conventional rules one is expected to follow in communication, interaction, and behaviour in a community. The community here doesn’t imply only the physical space but the cyberspace as well. Here, we will cover some basic etiquettes which you should follow to communicate and interact within the online digital world and social media apps.
What is Netiquette?
Netiquette, or Internet etiquette, is a way of defining professionalism through network communication. Its derivation is based on the merging of the words “network” as well as “etiquette;” and, the concept is closely related to ethics (Scheuermann & Taylor 1997). Netiquette refers to a set of core rules that describe what should and should not be done with regards to online communication in order to maintain common courtesy (Shea 1994).
Why is it important?
It is believed that in exchange, seventy percent of our communication is non-verbal in nature. But in online communication, people can’t see your body language or hear your tone of voice. Therefore, it is important to follow these basic rules to avoid confusion or hurting other people’s feelings. Not following these rules can have a negative impact on your digital reputation and your permanent digital footprint. Set a positive example by treating others with respect.
Basic Internet Etiquette Rules:
How to follow proper Email Etiquettes
You may be a model of decorum in person, but a bonehead online. You will need online rules of etiquette, consideration, and common sense.
TIP: Share photos by posting them online rather than sending them as attachments.
When you send group emails respect people’s privacy by typing the addresses into the BCC or blind carbon copy; this prevents recipients from seeing that anyone else was copied on the email.
Never forward someone’s email address or messages to a third party unless you have the sender’s permission.
Fill in subject line – it only takes a second and it provides your recipient with useful information that can help them track the email in the future.
If you are forwarding a message include a brief explanation as to why you are doing so.
Don’t tag pictures of other people on social networking sites if they have previously asked you not to and don’t discuss anyone’s private business no matter how harmless you think it is on people’s walls or anywhere on their profiles where others can view it.
Think before you send an instant message to someone, it’s meant for brief, swift exchanges.
Don’t contribute to boards until you are lurked. Read what’s already been written so that you can get a sense of what is appropriate before you join in. This will also prevent you from annoying people with questions that have already been answered and insights that have already been shared.
TIP: If a site has FAQs section read it before posting a query.
On discussion boards refrain from flaming people – disagreeing with them in a gratuitously nasty manner. Also resist the urge to respond to someone else’s flame in kind and don’t be a troll – someone who purposely tries to incite others.
Did you know?
In 1982 a Carnegie Mellon professor invented the smiley face emoticon – a colon hyphen and closed parenthesis after humorous postings on electronic bulletin boards were mistakenly bein 🙂 g taken seriously.
As you can see there are a number of guidelines we all need to follow while interacting with others in an online platform. By following these common-sense rules, you can help make a positive contribution to the online community.